In a recent email based interview with Ananth, he explained how he is progressing with his venture.
• Please tell us about yourself, your background and interests?
Ananth Sarathy and Daniel Brunet met at an Apple reseller and remained in contact over the next few years.
Ananth Sarathy, Co-founder/The Digital Media and Strategic Partnerships Clown.- Has a degree in Business and IT, who has worked for Australia's Largest retailers as a Senior Business Analyst and like Daniel has a passion for All things Australia, whether it be Content or Intellectual Property and Innovation.
Daniel Brunet, Co-founder/Code Monkey - Is a freelance web designer and developer, bringing his interest in the Arts, Video and Music to life with the tools of the web. A Graphic guru was able to code anything as long as it was for the betterment of mankind!
• Please tell us about your venture/company?
Launched November 11, 2006 by two young Australian entrepreneurs, WasabiTV is quickly becoming the leading online portal for commercial, community and independent television media.
With a continuous array of new shows, features and marketing strategies planned throughout its growth, WasabiTV aims to provide the best solution for individual film and TV producers, production companies and television stations to professionally step into the online market, without having to reinvent the wheel.
• What is the main objective/mission behind your venture?
WasabiTV allows producers to directly connect with a core audience and to create a following of loyal supporters by offering a free, interactive, online TV experience. Producers can optionally offer episodes at a cost per download for premium video content. With this in mind, WasabiTV believes strongly in maintaining an accessible experience, aiming to ensure at least 90% of content on the website is available for viewers to watch and download at no charge.
Viewers can download episodes to mobile devices and desktops, as well as stream video directly into their web browser using leading internet video technology. WasabiTV has been developed to meet the needs of producers and viewers alike, while continuous re-invention of the website allows room to expand and evolve with user feedback and fresh ideas.
Going forward, WasabiTV sees massive growth and potential in the online TV market and aims to globally provide quality online TV shows, organised with purpose, direction and meaning.
• How many people are using your services?
We have 200 thousand + Impressions per month and 5000+ Subscribers.
• What sort of marketing you are using to spread the word?
All our marketing is totally Viral, and Word of Mouth as we see it is the best most effective and cheapest for any startup!
• Are you using a lot of open-source tool sets for this?
We love and strongly believe in open source as an efficient way for us to grow. We have built on a lot of Open Source solutions and have combined the best to come up with our own!
• If you are given an opportunity to change the nation, what 3 things you will do?
- Free Education for All - There is no reason that someone should not be able to be the best because they cannot afford education!
- Establish Centres of Excellence in Medicine, IT, Humanity, Engineering, Sciences, Trade and Agriculture - So we can deliver the best services from Australia to the world.
- Roll the NBN out ASAP - the information highway in Australia is strangled!
Never ever give up, listen to the bad and the good of what people say. Change Adopt Grow and Challenge yourself. You will never be happy, there will be always something to do. Be wary of miracles, and work hard towards your goals. Have a plan and aim towards it! and the last bit.. There is no such thing as good luck, just hard work and good results!
Thanks, Ananth for sharing your thoughts with us. All the best for the future.
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