This is an interesting move

WebEquity has addressed both issues by creating a community of experts in their field who are willing to work on the development of new business ideas in return for a share of their success. In theory, you could have a new, professionally designed internet business up and running in hours without incurring any development costs.
The brainchild of internet entrepreneur Paul Middleton, the service sprang from Paul's own frustrations at not having the time to develop his internet business ideas. “I haven't been able to launch half of my ideas because I just don't have the time to create them.” he said.
“Sharing with a community on the internet in this way could be thought of as risky because there is always the chance that someone will run off with a good idea, but it's just a likely to happen if I developed in private. I could try and produce everything myself, but I'm already too busy!”
“Registering with WebEquity will mean I finally get some of my projects off the ground, and gives me access to specialist skills to ensure a professional result...10% of something is better than 100% of nothing, and if someone thinks the ideas are good enough to copy, I'll take that as a compliment!".
As well as creating a unique opportunity for business development, WebEquity allows young, emerging web creatives (designers/developers) to establish a 'live' portfolio and client base and maybe stumble on the next FaceBook or eBay along the way.
WebEquity is currently recruiting contributors in fields related to all aspects of business and web development. Registration is available here