In a recent email-based interview with Cameron, he gave insights into his venture and how he is progressing with it. This is what he has to say:
Please tell us about yourself, your background and your interests?
I'm 37, stunningly handsome, brilliant, and like long walks on the beach.
What is the name of your venture/company?
I'm the founder of The Podcast Network, MODM, Geeks Who Care, Twittories and The Church of LOTU.
Please tell us about your venture/company?
Where to start? The Podcast Network - the world's first podcasting business. We currently produce over 80 podcasts with a monthly audience of about 500,000 people from around the world.
MODM - a monthly networking event for the digital media industry Who Care - a charity based on getting geeks together to use their geekful powers for good in their local communities.
Twittories - an experiment to get 140 people to collaborate on writing a short story using Twitter
The Church of LOTU - a church for atheists and critical thinkers.
Who are the people behind this and how it started?
Let's focus on TPN. My co-founder was a guy called Mick Stanic but he left the business about a year after we started it in Feb 2005. TPN was formed off the back of the podcast Mick and I started doing in November 2004 called "G'Day World", which was the first Australian podcast (which now makes it the longest-running Australian podcast).
How long it took before it was up and running?
It took us about two months from the day we came up with the idea to start something to launch the site.
What is the main objective/mission behind your venture?
To build a 21st-century global media company that can change the world.
What services it provide it for consumers or customers?
Audio and video podcasts mainly, but we recently published our first book (in both paperback and e-book formats).
What type of customers you are targeting?
Intelligent people who want to change the world.
How many people are using your services?
about 500,000.
What sort of marketing you are using to spread the word?
Just word of blog.
How are you measuring the success of your venture? Are there any special mechanisms/tools in place to monitor the progress?
We look at the stats.
What is the monetizing/revenue model? Is there any new model, which is being tried?
We're selling advertising. Not much of it yet, but that's the plan.
Which are the main competitors or major players in this market segment?
The entire radio industry, the entire television industry, and everyone with a podcast.
What are the main technologies used behind this venture?
The interwebs. And a microphone.
What has been the easiest to use, out of the box and most helpful technology
Wordpress rocks.
Are you using a lot of open source tool sets for this?
Yes, it's 100% open source.
What is your operating environment (operating system) and what type of database you are using?
Linux and MySQL.
What's your thought on being an entrepreneur? How tough it is to start a venture in Australia?
I love being an entrepreneur. Australia has advantages and disadvantages, the same as anywhere else.
What's your thought on the start-up culture and innovation coming out of Australia, especially in media and telecom?
There aren't enough of them.
How do you see the opportunity in the mobile space? Do you think iPhone (closed) and Google's Android-based (open) platform will be the two major players going forward?
I think mobile is huge and yes, Apple and Google will be the key players moving forward.
The conventional computing model is shifting to Cloud computing which is comprised of SAAS, PAAS and IAAS (infrastructure). This has resulted in changes to the conventional monetising model? How do you see the future of business in terms of technology and revenue model? I'm just a media guy. Software business models don't interest me much outside of what I have to pay for them. I think Microsoft is screwed though.
What do you think the government (federal and state) should do to improve the culture of innovation and the telecom industry?
Get out of the way, mostly. And perhaps create some incentives for start-ups (like a tax break or two).
If you are allowed to change the nation, what 3 things you will do?
I am changing the nation (and the world) every day.
Here's my plan:
1. Run a large media company.
2. Start a new political party.
3. Use the media company to start a new political party.
You are a prolific and well-established blogger and podcaster. How do you manage this with work?
It is my work.
How often do you catch up with others trying similar things and where do you catch up? Do you have dedicated communities in your city?
I started MODM about a year ago in Melbourne for that very reason. It was a monthly catch-up at various bars in Melbourne. This year I'm launching it nationally.
Do you have any advice for people who want to start their venture? Do it. Stop making bullshit excuses and stop listening to your spouse. Just pull your socks up and do it.
Thanks, Cameron for sharing your thoughts with us. All the best for the future.
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