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Debenu - Document Management Tools for your Desktop

Today we showcase the story of an exciting venture, from Melbourne, Australia, Debenu Pty Ltd , Document Management Tools for your Desktop, co-founded by Karl De Abrew. In a recent email-based interview with us, he gave insights into how he is managing and juggling. This is what he has to say in his interview with us: • Please tell us about yourself, your background and interests? I've spent time in my earlier years in the UK, Australia, the US, Ireland, and then back in Australia. I'm an avid technologist and have been for as long as I can remember. Back to the times when people would laugh at me for using a keyboard when they had their trusty ball-point at the ready. I enjoy working with my friends, and consequently, I try to involve them all at some stage in my businesses. I have managed to create a working environment that doesn't feel too much like hard work. Sure, the hours are long, but as an entrepreneur -- well, I've got a great boss. I also get a lot of freedo